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Translation and accessibility

To help you read and understand this website better, we have added a tool called Recite Me.

Recite Me helps you read and understand websites more easily. If you need help with reading, seeing, or understanding English, it gives you tools to make websites easier to use.

You can change how things look, have text read out loud, or translate the page into your language.

Getting Started
When you visit a website that uses Recite Me, you’ll see a toolbar at the top of the page or an icon you can click. Click on the icon to open the toolbar and start using it.

Here’s what each button on the Recite Me toolbar does:

The language and reading buttons are the two most helpful for reading and listening to the website in your language.

1. Change the language

What It Does: This button translates the page into over 100 languages. Just pick your language, and the text will change to help you understand it better.

2. Read the page

What It Does: This button reads the text on the page out loud. You can pause, stop, or restart the reading whenever you want.

Other settings you may find useful

Text Settings

• Icon: Two “A” letters (one bigger than the other)

• What It Does: You can make the text bigger or smaller, change the font to one that’s easier to read, or adjust the colours on the page. This helps if you have trouble seeing or reading.

Screen Mask

• Icon: A rectangle with a line across it

• What It Does: This feature darkens the screen except for a highlighted area, helping you focus on one part of the text at a time.

Reading Ruler

• Icon: A horizontal line across the screen

• What It Does: A ruler moves down the page as you read, helping you keep track of where you are.

6. Magnifying Glass

• Icon: A magnifying glass

• What It Does: This tool lets you zoom in on any part of the page so you can see it more clearly.

7. Dictionary

• Icon: A book

• What It Does: Double-click any word to see what it means. This helps if you don’t know a word and want to understand it better.

Language (Voice Settings)

• Icon: A gear or settings icon

• What It Does: You can change the language and speed of the voice reading the text. Choose a voice you like and set the speed to what’s comfortable for you.


• Icon: A circular arrow

• What It Does: If you’ve changed the text size, color, or anything else and want to go back to the original settings, click this button.

Download Audio

• Icon: A down arrow with a speaker

• What It Does: You can download an audio file of the text being read out loud. This is great if you want to listen to the content later.

Closing the Toolbar

When you’re done using Recite Me, you can close the toolbar by clicking the close button (usually an “X” on the right side). If you need it again, just click the Recite Me icon to open it back up.